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Creative audio/visual coding experiments and projects

La Petite Excite - [Free] VST/AU plugin

"La Petite Excite" is a small exciter plugin and it can lead you into a brighter future when used wisely. For details, check out this tutorial from my good friend AMB or read the manual included in the download.

OS - Windows XP or newer / OSX Leopard (10.5) or higher
Host - 32bit or 64bit
Format - VST2.4 / VST3 / AU

Click the picture to download!

fcb.noiseflow2d - Max/MSP particle system

For my 'La Petite Mort' project, I've build this noiseflow based realtime particle system in Max/MSP. I've recorded the video realtime, changing the force of the attractor based on the intensity of the sounds. You can download the Max/MSP abstraction by clicking the picture below!

Click the picture to download!
If you like the sounds in the video, then download the soundFX pack here!

fcb.strip2d - Max/MSP strip physics

I had problems with the included strip object while coding 'La Petite Mort', so I've implemented my own version with some extra features. You can download and use the Max/MSP abstraction by clicking the picture!
Click the picture to download!

'La Petite Mort' A/V liveAct

The 'La Petite Mort' audio-visual liveAct is based on my music (as Fine Cut Bodies), but this time we’ve focused on how we can connect musical events to it’s visual representation. We wanted to do it not with prerendered video material or by analyzing audio, but writing our own audio plugins to deliver musical data to the video system, to make a tight connection and coherence between the audio and visual systems. Speaking of realtime visuals usually people think of nonfigurative, generative and abstract projections, but we intended to do something, where technology works in the background to support the outcome with its invisible hand as a reflection to the music... There were a couple of great guys helping the project to succeed, but code-wise, we have worked with Zsolt Török on the engine.
Teaser from the 2013 festival tour

* The tune included in the teaser is a forthcoming collaboration of Stereo MCs and myself.

Technical description by Zsolt Török (hungarian only)

Appaloosa/Konami - Game development

From 1996 till '99 I was working for Appaloosa, developing games for Sony Playstation (PS1), I was part of the Contra team, coding for Konami. This video below shows a level I've coded back in those days (thanx to the guys whoever recorded and uploaded to Youtube!)...

Contra Game
Contra Game

C64 Demoscene - Triumwyrat

Back around 1990-92, I was involved in the Commodore64 demoscene, making computer demos, utilities, different audio/visual stuff. I was a coder of the group called 'Triumwyrat' under the pseudoname 'Poacher'. Check out my CSDB profile to find out what kind of stuff I was working on as a kid...

Triumyrat on CSDB

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