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Electronica / Downtempo
Fine Cut Bodies subheader

"Hiding music behind noise!"

Latest releases

La Petite Mort A/V show

The “La Petite Mort” audio-visual liveAct is based on my music, but this time we’ve focused on how we can connect musical events to it’s visual representation. We wanted to do it not with prerendered video material or by analyzing audio, but writing our own audio plugins to deliver musical data to the video system, to make a tight connection and coherence between the audio and visual systems. Speaking of realtime visuals usually people think of nonfigurative, generative and abstract projections, but we intended to do something, where technology works in the background to support the outcome with its invisible hand as a reflection to the music...

* The tune included in the teaser is a forthcoming collaboration of Stereo MCs and myself.

RadioShows, DJsets

Since 2000, I've compiled and recorded more then 700 hours of DJsets (because of the habit of not repeating tracks in the sets, it means 7-8000 different tunes!) for radio stations and podcasts across the globe, including 6 years of weekly residency on Hungarian National Music Radio (MR2 Petőfi) and 10 years at former Hungarian pirate station called Radio Tilos... Head over to my Mixcloud page to take a listen to a few of those archived mixes:

Enigma'Tekh @ Vivid Sydney 2014

Here is a great showreel of the Enigma'Tekh project I was involved in may 2014... Interactive music and projection mapping onto the Sydney University from the great guys of Ethno Tekh (video) and Enig'matik Records (music). It was a pleasure to be part of the crew!

Impossible Landscapes @ Bella Skyway

I've composed the music and added some sound design elements to Limelight Projection's installation, what took the challenge of creating a 3D video mapping installation for the third time on the festival and first time on the facade of the Holy Spirit Church. A visual expression of the contrast between nature and urban environment integrating the architectural elements of the facade.

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